Anna Gwenllian

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Office aromatherapy

Ok, maybe aromatherapy isn't the right word... what's the right word for 'making your desk and work space smell nice and refreshing'?! That's the word I want! Every now and then (or every day if you fancy) I like to do a couple of things that help make the desk and work space 1. smell nice, and 2. lift my mood!

The first thing I do is pour a little bit of hot water into a little bowl, and add a few drops of lemon oil into it (or any essential oil, probably steer clear from Lavender unless you want a zzz), this helps the scent to spread around the area and/or room! I like having the lemon scent because it's nice and refreshing and gives a little boost of energy. You can buy lemon oil and other essential oil for cheaps on eBay. Another thing I like is lighting a scented candle, BE CAREFUL WHEN DOING THIS, THOUGH! Especially working with illustrations on paper...and fire...argh! I really like the Lily Flame candles, and they're not too expensive. Everyone seems to be talking about Diptyque candles at the moment which look nice, but they're around £40!  I'm not MADE of money, sheesh.

Anyway, these are just somethings I've found that help lift my mood and energy when I'm stuck at my desk, so I hope you might find it a bit useful too :)

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