Anna Gwenllian

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Manchester United

It's a start...

...mid-drawing sideways view ahhh!!!...

...Finished drawing!...


This is a recent commission I did, and thought I'd share photos of it from start to finish. I actually don't really like football, BUT, I really enjoyed this piece! This was an A5 drawing, and usually my pieces (or commissions) are A4. Even though I really like working on A4 or larger scales, I really love making smaller drawings. I think I enjoy them so much because I can finish them quicker and I guess I'm more energetic to get the drawing finished (?!) - did any of that just make sense?? Anyway, I think (and hope!) that that comes across in the drawings :) 
Do you prefer working on smaller or larger scale pieces?

If you're looking for a commission, send me a message through the contact page above :)

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