Anna Gwenllian

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Commissioned piece: illustrated poem for a newborn

Dyma darn comisiwn englyn nes i darlunio chydig yn ol, fel anrheg babi newydd. Dwi di bod yn rili mwynhau creu y darnau darlunio o amgylch cerddi (ai hynna ydi’r geirfa cywir?!) a ma genai fwy i rannu efo chi yn fuan hefyd ❤️

Here’s a commissioned englyn (Welsh traditional poem) piece I illustrated recently, as a newborn gift. I’ve been really enjoying creating these illustrated poetry surrounds (is that the correct wording?!) and I have a few more to share with you soon too ❤️

#illustration #newborn #newbaby #gift #celf #cymraeg #englyn #welsh #art